About MMP

Mentoring plays an important role in academic STEM culture. Increasing diversity in the higher education STEM pipeline is a critical step to broadening participation of minorities in STEM careers. Integrating all segments of society into the STEM workforce will ultimately lead to enhanced innovative capacity in our nation. Research shows that while women make up 48% of the US workforce, they occupy only 18% of STEM position; and while nearly a quarter of individuals in the U.S. workforce were employed in STEM occupations in 2021, Hispanic workers represented 15% of the total STEM workforce. Asian and Black workers comprised 10% and 9% of the STEM workforce respectively.* Effective mentorship programs can support the educational and professional development of underrepresented and marginalized participants. These programs can help build the knowledge, skills identities, and networks needed to succeed at the next level.

The Minority Mentorship Program (MMP), sponsored by the Chevron Corporation, is designed to increase the participation, retention, and advancement of women in engineering education as an underrepresented and/or underserved group. MMP will enrich the personal and professional lives of mentees and mentors as they work together to achieve mutually agreed-upon goals. The second cohort will welcome up to 25 early-career women mentees, who will be matched with esteemed mentors, after Program Orientation in Fall 2024.

*Source: Diversity and STEM: Women, Minorities, and Persons with Disabilities, National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics, National Science Foundation, January 30, 2023